Home > Goals?...but I have been focusing on plans

Goals?...but I have been focusing on plans

January 1st, 2012 at 12:55 pm

Well 2012 seems to be here and my life did not get sorted out before it arrived. So I'm going to set some goals, though I feel like my life is still unpredictable and might head in wild directions.

Goal 0: Implement CA plan. This is to sell CA, pay off our primary mortgage, CCs, HELOC, lawyer, and find a safe place for the remaining money to rest.

Goal 0A: Get a lawyer to draw up paperwork sorting my inheritance from BB's financial contributions. My inheritance is my money unless I mingle it, which I have by putting so much into real estate, and BB has agreed that we should seperate it on paper to put my mind at ease.

Goal 1: build up a $5k emergency fund for each property we own.

Goal 2: by May 2012, go back to saving $200 month for a replacement BB car.

Goal 3: Start horse riding again.

Goal 4: Start a ROTH IRA for BB so he can save for retirement.

I guess those are my goals. My head is mostly filled with plans and it's hard for me to separate the two, though I do think it is important to create both plans and goals.

I try to look down the road and envision what I want next Christmas to look like, but it's so fuzzy. I'm still wrapping my head around the changes going on. BB retiring from baseball and going head on into a real estate investment career.

But that means good things are on the horizon. BB has found another career hes really passionate about. We just need to do it right.

3 Responses to “Goals?...but I have been focusing on plans”

  1. rob62521 Says:

    Happy New Year! Hope you can accomplish your goals.

  2. MonkeyMama Says:

    "I try to look down the road and envision what I want next Christmas to look like, but it's so fuzzy. I'm still wrapping my head around the changes going on."

    I can relate. I feel so "eh" about New Years Goals this year, but just kind of feel in limbo as life changes. Trying to figure out what I am going to do about my job for the longer term, and dh is trying to figure out what he wants to due, and in the interim it's just a big ball of LIMBO. I am usually very goal-oriented, but so just reminding myself that it's okay to be in limbo and have no idea how it will work out - things will eventually become clearer - same for you.

    Happy New Year!

  3. LuckyRobin Says:

    Can I say how much it made me grin to see riding horses on your list of goals?

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