Home > Still here...sort of

Still here...sort of

March 26th, 2011 at 04:38 pm

hey everyone,
It's been over half a year since I last posted. Wanted everyone to know I'm alive and doing well.

I've been doing extensive renovations on the 2nd property that my husband and I bought last year. the reno has gone way over budget and way over deadline but is nearing a close.

I lost interest in saving money for a long time because we were spending more money per week then we were earning in a month. I didnt feel like posting numbers and getting scolded, I didnt feel like posting numbers and depressing other people who didnt have a hundred dollars to spend, let alone what I was spending.

But its a few weeks from move in. I dont know if I'll return to my love of money blogging or not.

But all of my dogs are alive! And I'm still happily married. BB is in FL for another season of coaching and he loves it. I'm still in Savannah and I still love it. This is my dream city, and now I own a dream home (my original house) and a dream location (renovated house).

I still have my job and aside from extreme stress causing me to be always sick, I'm healthy.

Sorry for the concern and the months of no responces.

6 Responses to “Still here...sort of”

  1. creditcardfree Says:

    Nice of you to check in! Sounds like you are on track, doing what you planned. And yes, I noticed you were missing!

  2. Looking Forward Says:

    Nice to hear from you!
    Ugh..I think all renovations go over budget..
    Would love to see pictures when it's all done. Big Grin

  3. Ima saver Says:

    I am so glad you are back. I have missed you. Of course it cost more than you expected to redo your new home, it always does. My husband is a licensed contractor and it always costs more than his estimates.
    I hope you continue to pop in once in a while and let us know how you, bb, dogs and the houses are all doing.

  4. Ima saver Says:

    BTW, did BB ever have his surgery?

  5. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    Yay! I'm so glad to hear from you.
    That is so exciting that your new home is almost ready to move into. I hope you'll share pictures when it is all done!

  6. gamecock43 Says:

    Wow it has been a while! Yes, BB had back surgery and it went spectacular! It was a long recovery and he is still in rehab but he feels amazing. His attitude has changed, he is so happy and we are both so relieved it worked. I'll be back when I have more time.

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