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2 jobs!!

July 3rd, 2009 at 12:21 am

So I gave my 2 week notice at my current job and my boss was disappointed but understands that a 50% raise is too good to pass up.

Then a few hrs later after talking to his father (family owned/run business) my boss tells me he is willing to match the pay of the University job!! He says he really thinks I am worth it, he sees a lot of potential in me and because I am doing the work for 3 offices- I save the company the salaries of having a staff member in each office, so they have the money to match my University offer.

I totally did not see this coming.

It's been on my mind all day long. I told him I would give him an answer in the morning.

I don't know!! I totally go back and forth.

My current job is a small family run business with a staff of maybe 10 employees. It has a team environment where everyone helps each other because promoting the business is in everyone's best interest. It is limited though. It has been around 30 yrs and each office contains an office manager (me) and a technician. So there is no room to be promoted- unless I want to be a technician (which they would love for me to do but I could not do it well at this point and know it). But there is room for added responsibility. They are trying to grow the business in client base and getting into presentations, training, and reaching out to connect with the communities. I am busy now but could kind of write my ticket at this point about being a point person down the road. But it's an industry that does not really interest me, dealing with a population that also does not really interest me. Though I like how transparent the business side of it is to learn. Because it's just me there- I see and deal with all aspects of running the business. I appreciate that.

Then the university. Big corporate company. I have several packets of paperwork pertaining to rules and codes. I know it is going to be hierarchy and office politics. Different departments and bureaucracies. And I don't know really what my job will be like. I have never done it before- don't know how my job responsibilities will play out.

But! University is paying me good money (though current company will match it). University is also providing benefits (I currently pay $200 a month for my own benefits...current company cannot provide that)and 2 weeks paid vacation a year- starting this year! (current company provides 1 wk vacation starting 2nd year...though they do let me slip out to run errands or let me go 15 min early when we are not busy.)And University pays for 80 hrs of sick time a year. (current job has a flexible policy, nothing really set in stone.)

And! I am working in finances at the university. An area that has always interested me. Though I will not get to see the whole business process- just my little piece that I do then pass on and around it goes. And I do love students. So it is a population that interests me and I enjoy interacting with.

So it's kind of small homey somewhat rewarding job that is not at all prestigious but has potential to send me to a high position of responsibility quickly....

...or big. corporate, possibly politicky university job that is prestigious and pays better (when you count in the benefits) but might keep me trapped in the same role...forever with lots of ABILITY to move up- but maybe not much ROOM to move up.

Maybe I should see how much the difference in pay would be. If I pay $175 month in benefits- that is $2100.00 a year I currently pay for just me. University is giving me 3 options between $140-180 month that will cover me AND BB. So that might end up being about even but BB gets covered too.

2 weeks paid vacation is REALLY enticing. I have a lot of travel plans come up every year.

Looking at it long term- what job do I see myself at longest- neither. I am horrible but I tend to switch jobs/get burned out around the 1.5-2 yr mark. I'm not an ambitious person. I like my personal life over my working life. I am pretty sure that once I get pregnant within 5 yrs I will try to become a SAHM.

So really this is a short term decision. It's a big decision to make- but really I think I will be equally happy at either job.

11 Responses to “2 jobs!!”

  1. creditcardfree Says:

    Good luck making a decision.

    I can see where the health coverage may make a difference...especially since it covers both of you and if you get pregnant, probably has better benefits. Some small companies don't even over maternity benefits.

    But, if you just don't want to learn something else, or make a now have an easier choice because of the match pay.

  2. gamecock43 Says:

    I forgot about the whole maternity thing!! Thank you! My current benefit plan will not cover me getting pregnant because I opted not to pay like- an extra $100 a month- but really I need that coverage. If I accidentally get pregnant I would def keep the baby and that would wipe me out if I was not covered.
    ...I need to go reread the benefits package regarding maternity but I think that just made the decision for me.

  3. scfr Says:

    Tough decision ... There are definitely pros & cons to both positions. Good luck.

    Is there any possibility that, in the future, you may want to start your own business (or that baseball man may want to start his and you would help him)? If so, that would be one factor in favor of staying with the smaller company ... The broad base of knowledge would be most helpful when it was time to go out on your own. You will have learned all about running a business there and dealing with all the details such as taxes, licenses, vendors, etc, etc.

  4. baselle Says:

    It is a tough decision.

    It sounds like you have been noticed all around - one party thinks you are worth hiring, the other party thinks that you are worth keeping. (Something we all knew all along.)

    My comment is that no matter which job you take (or keep), make sure that you are a class act to the other party. Don't burn a bridge!

  5. toyguy1963 Says:

    Wow thats great news and a tough decision all in on. I personally would go with the new job unless you really love the one you are at. The health benefits alone would push me over the edge on that one.

  6. whitestripe Says:

  7. whitestripe Says:

    That is a tough decision - I faced a similar one when I left a job about four years ago - my first job out of high school. I left them after 11 months - to work literally straight across from them in a restaurant (who I also worked 11 months for lol - strange). It was difficult - but I wanted to leave. They offered to pay me the next level up, which was tempting, but i did not want to deal with the politics and workplace bitchiness, and the shifts I was getting stuck with (all weekend and late shifts! argh).

    I left on a good note, though, and the owners of the business still always say Hi to me when I see them.

    I know it is tough, but go with your gut instinct.

    I eventually left that restaurant job (the one I left the other job for) to work for my current boss - at the restaurant I was earning $14.35 an hour, and I went from that to $13 an hour with my current boss. I took a small pay cut but looking back I am glad i did.
    obviously I earn more than that now, and I've learnt a lot more too, and I've been able to gain a lot of skills along the way.
    one thing to carefully consider though: would you prefer to work for a family business, or a large company? they are very different; I have worked in both and can honestly say that I have felt much more valued and appreciated in a family business (talking about my bakery-cake-decorating job - not my *actual* familys business, that's a whole other story!)
    Another thing to consider is which is more stable? And who will be the first to go at each job if downsizing occurs? Where are you on the ladder at each job?
    anyway. sorry I know none of that helped at all. Frown

  8. zetta Says:

    Which job will look better on your resume when you get itchy feet a few years down the road? I suspect the finance job will -- an "office manager" title can be the kiss of death because it sounds a lot like "secretary" (even though your responsibilites are much greater.)

  9. Apprentice Bliss Hunter Says:

    Emmm... quite a dilemma ! It's a toughie...

    I guess the main thing is, as baselle said, to try to keep on good terms with both parties..

    I don't think you can make a really WRONG decision in that neither job appears to be a terribly bad choice - taking the maternity benefits thing out of it...

    but I deffo understand how important maternity benefits are to a newly-wed like yourself...

    Emmm... Good Luck is all I'll say ! :-)

  10. mom-from-missouri Says:

    Around here if you work at a university you and your family get 50% off tution rates.....Is that in the package also?

  11. fern Says:

    If there is nothing really tugging at you to stay at the old job, i would go with the University. Your'e still young and if you haven't done so before, working in a different kind of environment will be a good experience for you and help you understand where you're happiest. You won't know it til you try it.

    Plus, working for a larger organization, or a state (?) institution always provides better benefits, and that's important these days, especially for a mom-to-be.

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