Home > On the positive side

On the positive side

March 5th, 2009 at 02:56 pm

Second job interview today. Rather than focus on all the things I will be losing as a result of taking this job; I will focus on the positives.

*I can get my eyebrows waxed regularly as opposed to only before big events.
*I can get haircuts regularly as opposed to once every three months.
*I will feel better about our retirement situation.
*I will feel more self worth and better valued.
*I will have money to travel to see my friends (though I will have less time to visit them).
*Big house renovations can start sooner.
*I will have more money to put into the emergency fund and therefore be better prepared in the future.
*I can pay down my mortgage faster and be less in debt.
*I can purchase more things on my credit card and earn more cash back bonus points Smile Joke!

that's about it. Does not seem like much but that will have to do.

4 Responses to “On the positive side”

  1. North Georgia Gal Says:

    Good job focusing on the positive!

  2. frugaltexan75 Says:

    Could it also be a positive about the new people you'll meet, and possibly new connections made in your new hometown?

  3. gamecock43 Says:

    yes, those are good too. Smile

  4. monkeymama Says:

    That's the spirit!

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