Home > spent $325.00 not on a house

spent $325.00 not on a house

January 27th, 2009 at 01:33 pm

Grrrr....took dog to the vet yesterday to the tune of $325.00. She was throwing up and had diarrea. During the drive to the vet BB and I discussed how our vet always gives such good care but charges a bundle for it. We decided that this time around our dog doesnt need exceptional care. She needs some antibiotics and that's the end of it.

Guess what? Once at the vet, he starts talking about all the possibilities that could be wrong with her, all the possible sources of her sickness. He says "I'm just going to run some blood tests to check her white cell count, check her pancreas, check this, this and that." I was prepared for the vet wanting to do bloodwork and had a response waiting "no. If you dont mind can we just try some antibiotics and see if that helps her? We are on a tight budget and don't think the tests are necessary yet."

But I held my tongue! I didn't say it! I don't know why. The vet gets so darn reactive to all the possible things that could be wrong with her I kind of feel like it would be animal abuse to not allow the tests to be run. As it is he was already telling us she was running a fever and how did we not notice she was sick earlier?

I guess I feel like she is our child and no good parent tells a Dr to "skip the tests just give the medicine."

Then of course once I looked up the receipt and the "tests and blood drawing" was $110 of the bill I had major buyers remorse.

So I'm still bitter about that one. Very very bitter.

15 Responses to “spent $325.00 not on a house”

  1. North Georgia Gal Says:

    I am the same way! Strong intentions, but I always cave! I completely understand what you are saying! I feel like a bad "parent" if I don't do whatever they say necessary. I have had doctors do that with my son as well.

  2. anonymouse Says:

    You might want to shop around for another vet. I had one take me for almost $6000 when my cat was discovered to have high liver levels. The vet said that he had possible liver disease but I think it was due to eating some of the plants in my house. These guys know how to play on your emotions.

  3. Ima saver Says:

    I agree, my vet always does all these tests and it is always the same. She has a sensitive tummy and that is it. However, it costs me close to $300 to find that out each time. How about just give me some medicine for her sensitive tummy next time??

  4. gamecock43 Says:

    yup- doc just diagnosed she has pancreatitis. He wanted to hospitalize her for at least 4 days. Sounds scary. I was worried. Till I did some digging and found out it was to hook her up to an IV so she does not get dehydrated and so she can get pills and a bit of food every few hours. Well shuks- I'm not working. I can do that. So I Won the battle! I shut down the 4 day hospital idea. Then he wanted to hospitalize her for 24 hrs...I shot that down too. So we agreed that she stays here and I administer the medicine...only cost me ANOTHER $100 for the medicine today.

  5. Little L Says:

    I hear you on this. We had several hundred dollars of unplanned vet bills this month. But they are family members so what are you gonna do? Hope your dog is feeling better now.

  6. Carolina Bound Says:

    Well, you caved once, but stuck to your guns the second time. Good for you! I'll bet you will give her better care than the hospital anyway.

  7. Analise Says:

    When my cat MC got ill and died last year, the vet bills were very high. He had kidney failure and had to have daily fluids injected subcutaneously for months. My vet offered to have a tech come to the house (expensive), I could bring MC to his office daily (a royal pain), or they would train me and I could do it at home. I chose to do it at home, and it went well until this was no longer helping. The vet also gave me a 10% senior discount, the senior being me (not the cat).

    Vets do know how to draw out your emotions and use it to their advantage (and the pets, I guess).

  8. mom-sense Says:

    My shih tzu has chronic ear infections. Last go around it cost $200 for two visits and medicated ear wash and the medication. For my 3 yo it is $59 at the Walgreen's clinic.

  9. M E 2 Says:

    My dog, later in her life, developed a thryroid condition. "Fortunately" the pills were *only* $18/month. Everytime I would go in for a refill, I was waiting for the time that I would be told that they needed to do bloodwork to see if/how the pills were working. I think in the 2 or so years she was (still) alive, they only did that once.

  10. whitestripe Says:

    awww. it sucks that vets do that. its one part of pet ownership i'm not looking forward to!

  11. mooshocker Says:

    I have a dog...Moe. He is a true member of the family. He has been with us for over 10 years. He is getting old. A little lame, itchy and rarely takes the time to run around and get any exercise. Through the years, he has been hit by a car, numerous ear infections, dry skin, separation anxiety and kennel cough (when we first adopted him).

    That said, I though many times a $.25 shotgun shell would do much more for my investing dollars than a dog that craps all over my yard and chews the molding on the laundry room door if we lock him in there. But then I's Moe. The son we will never have. A cross between snoopy and bill the cat.

    The moral of the story, just as you only live once, so do our pets. Give them the love and chance to survive they would give you. Then, if all else fails, shoot em....just kidding....God bless.

  12. homebody Says:

    I'm sorry. You really have to weigh things. When my older dog started acting old, I did have blood tests done and it showed her liver was starting to fail. We could have done an ultrasound, but what was the point. She lived another year and lived very well with lots of treats.

    It would really depend on how old the dog is I think. Give your dog a big hug from me though, poor guy, he probably ate something he shouldn't have.

    By the way, did you find out anything? Keep us posted.

  13. frugaltexan75 Says:

    I'm sorry to hear that your dog is sick and that the vet isn't being very scrupulous. I hope your dog gets feeling better quickly.

  14. Amber Says:

    I have no pets but when it comes to going to the dentist I am the same way

  15. baselle Says:

    Augie, my cat that lived +19 yrs, always was a bit portly - about 14 lbs. Every vet tried to make me feel extremely guilty about it, and I was for awhile, until Augie turned about 15-16, still in robust health, and I did the cat to human years conversion. (15-16 cat yr = 84-89 human yr)

    Most vets won't make it to 85. Smile

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