Home > OMG!! My stocks EARNED last month!

OMG!! My stocks EARNED last month!

January 8th, 2009 at 05:36 pm

Is it true?? How can this be? I just received my stocks statement from December and I MADE $4,000!!

I didn't lose money! I didn't lose money!

I knew December was a better month than previous months but just thought that meant I would only lose a couple thousand, not make a couple!

I hope everyone else made money last month in the market as well, I hope I'm not the only one.

5 Responses to “OMG!! My stocks EARNED last month!”

  1. CouponAddict Says:

    I dont have stocks per say, but I was happy to see my roth IRA went up a tiny bit in value. Love Free money!

  2. Koppur Says:


  3. Broken Arrow Says:

    In December, the Dow bounced back up by 11%.

    However, as I have mentioned elsewhere, to me, this is more of a freak uptick because of the unusually light trading volume (presumably because retail investors have been scared off and institutional investors were off for the holidays, leaving only amateur and passive people).

    It is expected that January could fall back down again. Er, not that I'm trying to worry you.... More like, please don't be surprised and worried if you see it happen.

  4. gamecock43 Says:

    yeah yeah...always with the bad I know. I'm prepared for a drop. Especially after yesterday. But today I am happy.

  5. Broken Arrow Says:

    Awww, didn't mean to rain on the parade.... I'll try to bring up good news next time.

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