Disapointing new yesterday on many fronts:
The house BB and I really like is under contract. Not our contract. I knew that 40k price drop would work against us.
After now tracking our spending 2 months in a row it is clear I need to get a full time- never travel on the road with BB again- job if we want to buy a house.
After tracking our spending 2 months in a row it is clear we will need to put down 30% if we buy a house. About $30,000 more needed.
After going to the mall to buy BB a dress shirt, tie and shoes for his wedding attire...he (once again) is too tall for the normal department stores and we had to go to a discount chain for his shirt. I feel bad that on his wedding day he does not get to wear a quality fabric. The material is just not right on this dress shirt. Good news though- we got the shoes 70% off! They were on clearance and the saleslady gave us the sale price for a sale starting today (extra 30% off) because of the upcoming occasion...Starting today all clearance items at Dillards Department store are an extra 30% off by the way!
Thats all.
30% sale on all clearance items at Dillards Dept store today
October 1st, 2008 at 02:07 pm
October 1st, 2008 at 02:23 pm 1222867422
October 1st, 2008 at 02:28 pm 1222867686
You can always buy a house - if you want to travel with BB on the road and you are breaking even - I would say
"Do It". You are still young and homeownership (while a good thing) isn't what it is cracked up to be. If it is quality time that you have with him, I wouldn't sacrifice it for a paycheck. Might not be the popular advice here on the blog, but just my 2 cents worth!
October 1st, 2008 at 03:14 pm 1222870491