Home > 30% sale on all clearance items at Dillards Dept store today

30% sale on all clearance items at Dillards Dept store today

October 1st, 2008 at 02:07 pm

Disapointing new yesterday on many fronts:

The house BB and I really like is under contract. Not our contract. I knew that 40k price drop would work against us.

After now tracking our spending 2 months in a row it is clear I need to get a full time- never travel on the road with BB again- job if we want to buy a house.

After tracking our spending 2 months in a row it is clear we will need to put down 30% if we buy a house. About $30,000 more needed.

After going to the mall to buy BB a dress shirt, tie and shoes for his wedding attire...he (once again) is too tall for the normal department stores and we had to go to a discount chain for his shirt. I feel bad that on his wedding day he does not get to wear a quality fabric. The material is just not right on this dress shirt. Good news though- we got the shoes 70% off! They were on clearance and the saleslady gave us the sale price for a sale starting today (extra 30% off) because of the upcoming occasion...Starting today all clearance items at Dillards Department store are an extra 30% off by the way!

Thats all.

3 Responses to “30% sale on all clearance items at Dillards Dept store today”

  1. homebody Says:

    You won't have to miss every game right? You will have your days off that you can travel or is it too far to travel in 2 days? I didn't comment on the house, but it is very cute/nice. But there will be other houses really. Don't be too down about it or try not to be??

  2. mom-sense Says:

    You can always buy a house - if you want to travel with BB on the road and you are breaking even - I would say
    "Do It". You are still young and homeownership (while a good thing) isn't what it is cracked up to be. If it is quality time that you have with him, I wouldn't sacrifice it for a paycheck. Might not be the popular advice here on the blog, but just my 2 cents worth!

  3. gamecock43 Says:

    yeah---I keep going back and forth between "traveling the country is a once in a lifetime opportunity...this is what you will tell your grandkids about" to "you are almost 30 years old! Time to grow up! If you keep this up then you will never financially recover from (both of you) taking so many years off to pursue a poor paying lifestyle...look at your friends-they are way ahead of you already- you need to catch up!"

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