Home > Garage sale success

Garage sale success

September 27th, 2008 at 05:33 pm

Garage sale was a sucess- sort of. I made $206.00 (good) but only sold about 60% of the stuff. Overall it was a good time- I am just frustrated thinking about hauling it all in.
And I bought a pair of rollerblades from next door. I have never rollerbladed in my life- but guess I will give it a shot.

It's hard to figure out what will sell and what wont-you see it all as 'crap' and so you have a hard time arranging the sale to showcase your best 'crap.'

I sold a mink coat (at a huge discount...but the woman was really thrilled with it)..1 barbie in a box, 1 porcelain doll in a box, 2 waterford ornaments, all my scrapbooking stuff, all my CD's, an unopened makeup set, a jewlery cleaner, 3 necklaces, and a tupperware set. And 4 books! (leaving multiple barbies, dolls, books, and jewelery to go back into the house.)

Anyways...I am feeling better about the market today. Sort of. I am still going to go more conservative.

I may miss a soar in the market but I don't care. If this was a few thousand dollars I was playing around with and learning about the market- or I had previously been playing around in the market and knew enough to know what I dont know, or knew enough to be cocky- then I would stay in. But as it is- The money I have invested is too great an amount for me to feel comfortable managing based on my zero knowledge of finances.

In the back of my mind I still think some anti-Americans could really do us some damage right now and I don't want to have a heart attack if that happens.

3 Responses to “Garage sale success ”

  1. Personal Finance Student Says:

    Congrats on the garage sale; I think $206 is great! You may consider just donating what's leftover since you'd already planned on selling it. That way you stay less cluttered and you won't have to deal with it again. That's usually what I do; I have to get rid of it while I'm strong. Smile

  2. fern Says:

    That's about what i usually pull in from a garage sale. Considering all the work that goes into preparing for it and advertising it, i was never sure it was worth the effort. I sort of prefer trying to sell items, either singly or a few at a time, on Craig's List. I've had some success there, though i, too, was amazed at what sold at my garage sale and what didn't. Like, a guy actually bought a circa 1970 hand held mixer from me and a woman bought a mini-sized hairbrush. Who would buy a used hairbrush?? I think i'd priced it at .50

  3. baselle Says:

    Sounds like a reasonable haul on the yard sale. Its also useful to get a sense of who your neighbors are, etc. At least a yard sale is when I come out and meet them.

    Most of my inheritance is in cash equivalents. Nothing to be embarrassed about.

    I still think, weirdly enough, that this is actually a good time to learn about investing. Then again, I learn by experience. When you feel a little less stressed and things calm down a little, think about peeling off a few thousand and put it in some things that you want to learn about - stocks, but I-bonds, T-bills, TIPS, munis, ETFs, even precious metals.

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