Home > living in the laundry room

living in the laundry room

June 20th, 2008 at 11:34 am

Well, Baseball boy and I share a 2 bedroom apartment with another player and we all get along really well.
Yesterday our roomate told us that he has heard a rumor we will be getting a 3rd roomate.
Apparently this third roomate has a reputation with the ladies and our current roomate is a bit hesitant to get excited about sharing a room with that kind of activity going on.

So what solution was found? Stick the new guy in the laundry room!

We honestly have an empty laundry room in the apartment to fit a washer/dryer.

So the men moved the extra twin bed in the apartment to the laundry room last night. It barely fits. The bed takes up 80% of the room.

But there is an empty linen closet right across the hall, and after I went through shock and then hysterical laughter that they were really doing this, I think it is a workable solution.

Our spending yesterday was high. Not by me, but by Baseball boy. I talked to him yesterday about 'no spend days' and tracking culminated daily expenses, but like I said yesterday, he has a problem not 'counting' expenses as an 'expense'. He was all happy he spent "$15 yesterday" but then I asked him how that was possible when he spent $60 in vitamins and he argued that doesnt count because they will last him at least the next month or two.

*sigh* silly boy.

So here is yesterdays total:
$4 to wash/vacume out the car
$6 for Baseball boy's (fast food) lunch...just could not get him on board with my goal to eliminate fast food.
$5 for pizza for dinner for both of us..(it was kind of gross, will not be eating there again despite the cheap pizza)
$60 in vitamins...whateveh!
Total: $75

5 Responses to “living in the laundry room”

  1. JanH Says:

    Well, Broken Arrow lived in a closet so I'm sure he'll do fine in the laundry room! lol.

  2. baselle Says:

    Keep us updated - I'm sure that if the guy still gets "action" in a converted laundry room a lot of other guys will want to know his tips ... Big Grin

  3. klbb90 Says:

    Too Funny! He only needs the bed for action, not the rest of the room so he should be happy, happy.

  4. scfr Says:

    baselle read my mind!

  5. toyguy1963 Says:

    If it works, I'm moving into a laundry room.

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